DOZENS of donated boxes are heading for Romania thanks to the generosity of schoolchildren.

At Grangefield School, Stockton, textiles teacher Katie Dent asked her year seven tutor group to bring in items that could be forwarded to less-fortunate children.

The pupils thrived on the task and not only brought unwanted items into school, but bought new toys and gifts for boys and girls.

Miss Dent and her class yesterday packed up a waiting lorry full of shoeboxes, wrapped in festive paper, containing toys, sweets, jewellery, toiletries, hats and gloves.

Each box was labelled for either a boy or a girl, with the appropriate age range, before they were collected by Convoy Aid Romania Foundation, which will ship the goods to the children.

Deliveries will be made to the district of Yasi, in Romania, where children at the local orphanage, hospital and HIV clinic will benefit.

Miss Dent, who has organised similar projects, said: "I am touched by the generosity of the pupils and their parents.

"There were dozens and dozens of boxes, all wrapped in Christmas paper, I wish I could see the children's faces when they get them."

As well as boxes, sacks full of clothes for adults and children were loaded onto the delivery lorry.

There are still people in desperate need of shoes, boots and warm clothes and anyone who can help is asked to call Convoy Aid Romania Foundation, which will transport the goods overseas.

It can be contacted on (01609) 883144 or (07876) 077110.