HOSPITAL patients are to benefit from the efforts of local gardening enthusiasts.

Since building work started on Malton Hospital's new Fitzwilliam Ward and other departments, people have volunteered their services to plant up and maintain the gardens.

Known as the Derwent Diggers, members of the gardening club have been working on the hospital gardens since the summer.

They have regularly visited the grounds to clear up the herbaceous borders for winter and prepare the beds for spring.

Chairwoman Margaret Shaw said: "It has been an absolute labour of love and we've all thoroughly enjoyed working in the hospital gardens.

"We all spent whatever time we could spare, and we are extremely grateful to local organisations - Wolds Way Lavender, Vertigrow, Castle Howard Nursery and Mill Hill Nursery - for helping us by providing the majority of the plants.

"It has been an absolute team effort, and worth every minute."

There are two main gardens at the hospital, the Sensory Garden, designed to appeal to all the senses, where plants include herbs, lavender and bamboo, and the Sculpture Garden, which is still under construction.

The first results of everyone's efforts to rejuvenate the gardens should be apparent in the spring, when daffodils and crocuses start to appear through the soil.

Anyone wanting to find out more about Derwent Diggers should contact (01653) 697845.