THE country's top landboarders and buggiers will be in the region next weekend.

A meeting at Coatham Sands, Redcar, east Cleveland,will feature members of the Ozone UK power kiting team along with members of the Redcar Power Kiter's Club.

Power kiting involves riders being towed by a kite on either a landboard, surfboard or buggy. Riders can reach speeds of 50mph, heights of 40ft and perform spectacular aerial stunts.

Jack Daykin, ten, will be one of the riders displaying his skills on Saturday and Sunday. The youngster, from Darlington, is ranked fourth in the national under 16s landboard freestyle series and first in the junior buggy freestyle series.

Jack, who is also a talented skateboarder and bmxer, recently won the No Messin' Live competition at the Dolphin Centre, in Darlington.