A COUNCIL'S transport boss has made a public apology after her daughter was assured of a trouble-free journey to her wedding.

Hannah Reid had no problem getting to the ceremony on time as her five-car wedding convoy was whisked through nine green traffic lights.

Her mother, Ann, the councillor in charge of transport and planning, had agreed to the convoy being used to test a traffic light system designed to help 999 vehicles respond to calls quicker.

Under the system each set of lights turns green as an emergency vehicle approaches, giving a clear run to wherever they are needed.

The test proved a success, but Councillor Reid has now said sorry for the incident, which happened in York in mid-August.

"I apologise for this misjudgement and the lapse in my usually high standards," she said.

Her daughter married Simon Fraser at the Treasurer's House, in York, and a council spokesman said the occasion had provided a useful opportunity to test the lights system.

The spokesman said to test the system a known, identifiable vehicle had to be followed and that further tests had since been carried out using other vehicles.

Coun Reid said her involvement had been a genuine effort to help ensure systems were in place to help 999 vehicles.

"Previous trials had shown it was difficult to track one car in heavy traffic, which is why it was felt that five cars, which were travelling the route anyway, would be easier to see.

"In hindsight, I do regret agreeing to help this way."