PRINCIPAL bass at the English National Opera, Graeme Danby, has agreed to become the patron of the Friends of the Empire Theatre, in Consett.

The Friends is an independent organisation that exists to enhance the facilities of the theatre through various fund- raising activities.

Pat Boustead, chairman of the Friends' committee. said: "I am honoured and delighted that Graeme has accepted, as we are all so proud of his successful career and long association with the Empire."

Mr Danby, who was born in Consett, said his first performances in the theatre were with the Consett Junior Citizens Choir, in 1969, under the baton of Willie Westgarth.

He said: "I am delighted that the role of the theatre in the town is well established and a wide variety of musical and theatrical performances is available to the local pub-lic.

"The friends were highly instrumental in keeping the theatre open. It is a pleasure to be associated with such a dedicated bunch of people."

As an appointed ambassador of Derwentside, Mr Danby is keen to see that the cultural and artistic side of the region is developed to its full potential.

He said: "I will play an extremely active role in the promotion of the theatre and its Friends organisation."

His next appearance at the theatre is as guest soloist with the Leadgate Gleemen under the baton of Pat Boustead next April.

To join the Friends,visit the theatre and request a form or call (01207) 218171.