PROTESTORS in Bishop Auckland have failed to stop a phone mast being built near homes and a school.

More than 400 people signed a petition and two mothers spoke out against the 17-metre tower at a meeting of Wear Valley District Council's development control committee.

But councillors voted to allow the mast to be built by Lui Daly International (UK) Ltd at the Territorial Army centre in St Andrew's Road.

They heard the company had explored ten sites before choosing the centre's car park as the most suitable for its new 3G network.

Objector Julie Hawkes said: "This will look totally out of place. Some people without trees in the way will see it all the time. There are real concerns about health issues because it is close to homes and schools. It is horrendous."

The petition was collected by parents with children at Cockton Hill Infant and Junior Schools. The committee heard that the mast will be 34 metres from the nearest house.

But a report from planning officers said the mast "would not be visually prominent" and would blend in with its surroundings.

Council leader Neil Stonehouse said: "Other residential areas have them. The fact that it is in a residential area does not mean that it should automatically be refused."