SPORTS facilities in a North Yorkshire town have received a boost with the opening of a £840,000 floodlit pitch and fitness suite.

The development at Bedale High School was opened yesterday by former pupil and professional football Simon Grayson.

The facilities include a 27-piece gym, which is suitable for use by the disabled.

The floodlit pitch is fitted with artificial grass and can be used for football, hockey and tennis.

A health and education studio has also been built. The room is suitable for health classes, such as yoga and Pilates and PE lessons.

The development includes changing rooms, extra storage space for the existing sports hall and improved car and cycle parking.

The project was funded by Hambleton District Council, Bedale High School and the Big Lottery Fund.

Dave Goodwin, head of leisure and tourism services for Hambleton District Council, said: "What these facilities will provide is an opportunity for both young people and the wider community to participate in a range of health activities. It will particularly improve school PE.

"There may well be young people from the Bedale area who use the development and go on to compete in the 2012 Olympics."

The facilities will be available to school pupils from 9am to 5pm and to the general public at evenings, weekends and during school holidays. They can be booked through the nearby leisure centre.

Blackpool player Mr Grayson is a former Bedale High School pupil and still lives in North Yorkshire.

He has previously played for Leicester City, Leeds and Aston Villa.

He was joined at the opening ceremony by students Tim Burn, from the high school, and Ellie Hemingway, from Bedale Primary School.

The ceremony featured demonstrations of tag rugby and football by local children.

The project has taken four years to complete. Work started on site a year ago.

The gym was designed with help from the Inclusive Fitness Initiative to make it suitable for use by disabled people.