EIGHT terraced houses should not be built on the site of a derelict garage on a main road into a city, planners have said.

Romulus Developments wants to build the houses on the site of Tower Garage, in Palace Road, Ripon.

The site was last used for car sales and vehicle repairs, but has been empty since 2001.

Six of the three and four-bedroom homes would also contain office space.

The application has won the support of Ripon Civic Society, which says the former garage has not provided an attractive approach to the city for years.

But Harrogate Borough Council planning officer Andy Hough has recommended that permission be refused.

He said: "The proposal would result in the loss of a long-established industrial and business premises.

"The fact that the site has remained vacant for a period of time does not necessarily mean there is no demand for the site.

"The scheme, as a consequence of its size, mass and density, would have a detrimental overbearing effect on the street scene."

The planning committee will discuss the plan on Tuesday.