FOUR volunteers are being honoured for the tireless work they do for their community.

The residents of West Rainton are getting Year of the Volunteer 2005 Awards from Community Service Volunteers.

Retired teacher Kathleen Tweddle is a member of the Nature Rangers environmental group for children aged five to 11 and helps the group on nature sessions during the school holidays.

As secretary of the West Rainton Community Partnership, she was the driving force behind the welcome packs that the partnership gives newcomers to the village.

Meanwhile, Russell McKinnon resuscitates heart or angina attack victims within a five-mile radius of the village before ambulances arrive.

As well as attending 70 call-outs in 18 months he has passed on resuscitation techniques.

And Richard Hockin, a founder of the West Rainton Green Group, devised a scheme with Sunderland and Durham City councils to have burned out cars and fly-tipped rubbish removed quickly.

Gail Hudson carried out research to find out more about the servicemen listed on the village war memorial.

Her work was to coincide with a wartime food tasting to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Second World War ending.