Q My State pension is £95.39 a week and my wife's is £54.98. My company pension is £420.16 a month after tax and we each have savings of £6,000. Can we get Pension Credit or any reduction in our council tax of £97 a month?

A For a couple to get Pension Credit their income must, in most cases, be assessed at less than £221 a week. Yours is assessed at £259. However, you are still eligible for Council Tax Benefit of about £4.57 a week.

Q I am 91 and my wife has been in a care home for the past two years. I own my own house and, because of my income, my council tax is reduced to £15 a month. I now find it difficult doing my shopping and other things around the house. Is there any other help I should be receiving?

A The benefit to help older people with the cost of disability is Attendance Allowance. It does not depend upon your income but to qualify you must need a lot of help with your personal care. Personal care covers things such as help with eating, bathing and dressing, but not shopping and housework.

Q I am 63 with Incapacity Benefit of £103.73 a week and my wife, who is 65, has a State Pension of £28.72 a week. We receive Pension Credit of £34.60 a week and full Council Tax Benefit. Is this correct or should we be claiming more?

A Your income has been made up to £167.05 a week by Guarantee Pension Credit. Where someone, or their partner, has reached 65, they may also qualify for the additional Savings Credit. They can get this if they have qualifying income that is more than the basic rate of State Retirement Pension - £131.20 for a couple. However, as Incapacity Benefit does not count as qualifying income, you are not currently eligible.

Q I am a widow of 64 with a State Pension of £157.06 a week and Superannuation of £26.58 a month. My savings are £4,284. Am I entitled to any reduction to my council tax of £642.86 a year?

A Only about £1.61 a week, but this will go up to about £5 when you reach 65.