SCHOOLS across Darlington are joining in International Walk to School Week from Monday.

The theme of the week is the environment and pupils will be learning how walking to school can have a positive effect on their surroundings, their health and their safety.

The message will be included in all lessons and groups of pupils from some schools will go walking together.

Pupils will be taught road safety skills and teachers will stress that even walking part of the way to school can be beneficial for the health of children and their parents.

Schools across County Durham will also be taking part in International Walk to School Week, which hopes to cut the number of cars on the roads for the daily school run.

This year's event has the motto "walk to school - it's good for your heart" and children will be encouraged to wear something red and build heart shapes in their school playgrounds.

Durham County Council's school travel plan team will be working with Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust and Durham Leisure Services to promote and support the Family Initiative Supporting Children's Health project.

Bob Pendlebury, the county council's cabinet member for transport and sustainability, said: "I'm looking forward to seeing lots of healthy hearts taking shape throughout the county.

"Walking to school is the ideal way of ensuring we take part in regular exercise.

"The stronger our hearts are, the stronger and fitter we get."

Schools can get free International Walk to School resources from the county council's school travel plan team on 0191-383 3086.