YOUNGSTERS turned out in force to learn more about careers in the National Health Service in Willington yesterday.

Staff from Durham Dales Primary Care Trust (PCT) and the County Durham and Tees Valley Strategic Health Authority held a Job Shop event at Parkside School.

It was also organised by the Workforce Development Directorate and the County Durham and Darlington Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

There was a range of displays for each area of the NHS including finance, catering, maintenance and midwifery.

"It went absolutely superbly," said Sue Younghusband, public health development specialist of the PCT. "More than 400 youngsters came and we had about 20 stalls.

"The idea was to bring to life the careers that are available - people think it's just doctors and nurses, but there's a lot more than that.

"The Job Shop day is a fun way to celebrate careers in the NHS and to bring them to life for young people who are starting to think about what to do next."