A COMMUNITY safety group is enlisting the support of the police to educate people about off-road vehicles.

The Eastbourne Community Safety Partnership discussed the issue at its monthly meeting at Maidendale House yesterday, though admitted the problem was not restricted to their estate.

One resident said he was concerned by the number of people riding around the town's streets on scooters and motorbikes that should only be used off-road. He said many of the riders, ranging from teenagers to men in their 30s, did not realise their bikes were not road-legal.

Resident Bill Cook said: "I saw a guy who was easily in his 30s on an off-road scooter driving around the estate.

"When he stopped, I said to him that he shouldn't have been driving about on the roads on his scooter and he said he wasn't aware of that."

Police community support officer (PCSO) John Herdman said he had been involved in incidents when he had stopped people using off-road vehicles inappropriately.

"Many of them say they did not know they were breaking the law," he said.

Mr Herdman said he would be in touch with Darlington police force's traffic unit to see if the leaflets they have, highlighting the places where off-road vehicles can be used, could be distributed to a variety of community venues.

Naomi Ryan, from Darlington Borough Council's youth service, invited Mr Herdman to give a talk about off-road vehicles at one of the regular groups she organises for 11 to 19-year-olds.

PC Mick Dawson, of Darlington's StreetSafe unit, said: "We do get a lot of calls from residents on the Eastbourne estate about motorbikes being ridden in an anti-social manner, but this is an issue that affects the whole of Darlington.

"People who witness off-road vehicles being ridden inappropriately should report it so we can take action.

"Likewise, genuine bikers who just want to know where they can ride their off-road bikes legally should get in touch with the police."

To report illegal biking call 0845 60 60 365.

To find out where the bikes can be used legally, call (01325) 346494.