A PROJECT to help young people with drugs problems has received a boost of nearly £80,000.

Hartlepool Young People's Drug Team (Hyped) will use the money, allocated by the council, to cover the cost of renting offices for the charity.

The Hyped team was set up in 1999 to provide drug treatment for under-18s at risk or involved in substance abuse.

The team has moved offices several times since it was set up, but the £77,000 boost will mean the service can operate out of accommodation at Cromwell House, in Whitby Street South, for at least three years.

The building needs some modifications, but staff said its central location and discrete access would be suitable for the service.

The team consists of outreach workers, workers funded by social services and youth offending staff.

It accepts referrals from any source and provides advice and information, prevention work and early interventions, as well as arranging treatment for youngsters abusing class A drugs.

Hartlepool Borough Council agreed to meet the cost of the first three years' rent.

A council spokesman said: "This is a very positive project, which provides support for a great many vulnerable young people.

"It was decided by councillors that it was a very important service that the council should help to keep alive."

The Hyped team is managed by North-East voluntary organisation Disc, which will take over the lease of the property.