THE campaign to save Hurworth School has been backed by one of Darlington's biggest employers.

Cummins Engines, whose Yarm Road factory borders the proposed site of the new school, described the plans as "crazy".

The company employs 1,000 people and as many as 10,000 vehicles - including many lorries - enter and leave the site each week.

Safety manager Frank Walsh said the company was concerned about the proposals to build the 1,200 pupil school on a site near Alderman Tommy Crooks Park.

"We object in principle and if a planning application is drawn up, we will be one of the first to object," he said. "We cannot see how a school could be built on that site and all the safety concerns be addressed.

"The school would be on the wrong side of a very busy road with all of the attractions for children such as McDonald's on the other side.

"We have also always been told that this side of Yarm Road was specifically for industrial purposes."

Darlington Borough Council is proposing to move its Vicarage Road depot to a site behind Cummins.

A planning application is expected in the next eight weeks. A council spokesman said the main vehicle movement at the depot would be from 4.30am to 7.30am and 2.30pm to 5pm.