Satley WI: The monthly meeting of Satley WI was held in the parish hall on Monday, July 11.

Mrs Plews presided and 18 members attended. The guest speaker was Miss Watson, who talked about Victorian jewellery. Her slides allowed members to see the beauty and detail of some pieces.

She talked about the special pieces of jewellery that were made for Victorian ladies who were in mourning.

It was interesting to see that jewellery is not just a modern day trend. Mrs Gibson thanked Miss Watson. Tea and biscuits were served by Mrs Plews and Mrs Scott. The formal business followed.

Mrs White read the minutes of the previous meeting, the correspondence was dealt with and the newsletter was discussed. Members were reminded about ordering calendars and diaries.

The president and secretary had attended an information evening arranged by County, which they had found very informative and had enjoyed.

The members who went on the walk said they too had had a good time.

Mrs Portwood and Mrs Gibson took names and money for the mystery trip on August 15. The Christmas meal was discussed, which will be a members only occasion. The competition, for a home made necklace, was won by Mrs J Gould, second was Mrs M Tweddle, and third, Mrs A Carpenter.

The winner of the raffle was Mrs C Wilson and Mrs A Carpenter was second.

Next meeting will be on Monday, September 12, at 7.15pm when the guest speaker will be Mr Gibson with a talk called One Potato, Two Potato. The competition will be a potato print and stamp. Visitors are welcome.

Annfield Plain WI: President Genia Collin welcomed members to the July meeting.

Secretary Miss Ellwood dealt with correspondence and treasurer Mavis Crawford gave the financial report.

The Golden Thread, a poem entitled Needed, was read by Ann Curry and the item of interest came from Noreen Breen, who spoke about the Red Cross Blue Peter appeal for Africa.

Genia Collin brought to members' attention various items from the county news, which may be of interest. Outings were discussed and details of the Christmas lunch were agreed. The speaker, Mr Barnes, spoke about First World War poets and his well researched presentation included many moving poems from men who were on the frontline.

The competition, a war photograph, was won by Ann Pyle. The winner of the mystery raffle was Joan Stewart.

An enjoyable evening ended with tea and biscuits served by Noreen Breen and Mary McKee.

South Moor WI: President Joyce Wright welcomed members and visitors, and it was good to see the return of two of members who had been unwell. Best wishes were sent to another member who is in hospital.

The reading, called Value of Old Age, was given by Joyce Wright.

The minutes were read by Vera Soulsby and the formal business attended to. Final arrangements were made for the August outing.

The president introduced Mavis Crawford who reported on her visit as link delegate to the annual meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in London. A vote of thanks was given by the president.

The raffle was won by a visitor. Mrs George gave the financial statement.

The competition, fresh flowers in a shoe or boot ornament, was judged by a visitor and Joyce Wright was first, Marion Green was second and Kitty Chambers was third. Tea and biscuits were served. There will be no meeting in August. The next meeting is on September 8. Visitors are welcome.

Tantobie WI: the July meeting was a sad occasion. Tantobie WI has met at the communal room for more than 30 years. The council has decided to close the room and the WI has to leave. The group will in future meet at St Margaret's Church Hall, Tanfield Village.

Members enjoyed a visit to Holy Island. Mrs Stacey sent a card thanking members for the flowers for her diamond wedding anniversary. Members are planning a visit to Durham Cathedral to see the embroidery display.

Mrs Archer gave an interesting talk using slides about the River Tyne. Mrs Stacey gave the vote of thanks.

The raffle was won by Mrs Morgan and the competition was won by Mrs Henderson, Mrs Smith and Mrs Wallace.

The next meeting is at 6.30pm on August 15. Visitors are welcome.

Leadgate WI: THE president, Mrs Walker, opened the meeting, and Mrs Hillary read the theme, Growing Old.

Assistant secretary Mrs Buchan read the minutes and correspondence, and the treasurer, Mrs Moody, gave her financial report for June.

Mrs Hillary took names for the trip to South Shields and sold tickets for the coffee morning on August 20. Mrs Braim won first prize in the competition, second was Mrs Day and third Mrs Frost. The raffle was won by Mrs Locke.

The guest speaker was Mrs Rayner, who talked about her experiences in the Second World War in the Timber Corps.