PLANS to build houses behind a Teesdale working men's club have been recommended for refusal.

Cockfield Working Men's Club has applied to Teesdale District Council to build homes at the back of the club.

However, planning officers at Teesdale District Council have recommended that the application is refused.

The plan is an outline application for an unspecified number of houses on the 0.4 hectare site.

Using the recommended housing density of 30 houses per hectare, the application should specify plans for 14 homes.

Although the piece of land is described as vacant land in the planning application, planning officer Wendy Thompson said in planning terms it should be considered as agricultural land.

She said: "As there are insufficient details to fully assess this application, it is considered that the development of this site could harm the character and appearance of the conservation area."

The application will be discussed by the district council's planning committee on Wednesday, at 5.30pm in the council chamber, Teesdale House, Barnard Castle.