THE current chairman of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has been re-elected to serve for a second year.

Craven District Council leader Carl Lis received unanimous backing from members at a meeting on Tuesday.

He and Jerry Pearlman, who has been vice-chairman for the past year, were unopposed at the election.

Speaking about his first year as chairman, Mr Lis said: "I've really enjoyed it - it has been an honour and a privilege.

"I believe the authority has had an extremely successful year.

"We have delivered on a number of key national initiatives, not least of which was the superb work on the introduction of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act.

"We've also raised our game over the two issues that are crucial to the future well-being and sustainability of our local communities - those of housing and access to services."

Mr Lis said one of his key priorities for the future was the successful adoption of the Yorkshire Dales National Park local plan.

"I want us to continue to influence the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Government so that we can play a positive role in the modernising rural delivery debate," he said.

"We are the people who best know our communities. We know our farmers and we know our environment and we should be the ones delivering crucial parts of this new agenda."