DURHAM Constabulary has chosen a major seaside event to launch a campaign to double its Specials in the area.

A recruitment drive for ten new special constables will get underway at Seaham's annual carnival on Sunday.

Durham Constabulary was the first in the country to be funded through a special Home Office Bounty which enabled it to pay special constables for the first time.

From April, all of the specials in the division now receive £1,500 a year for six hours duty a week.

So far, 95 have been recruited across the County with a target of 150 Specials.

In the Easington District, there are ten of the part-time constables and it is intended to double that number to 20.

Specials recruitment officer Mel Elliott said: "We will be taking along our recruitment vehicle, which we share with the fire service, in a bid to help fill the ten posts.''

The only criteria stipulated for special constables is that they must be 18-and-a-half-or older.

However, Ms Elliott pointed out that candidates can apply at 18 and there is no upper age limit.

Anyone who cannot attend the carnival, but is interested in becoming a Special, should contact Ms Elliott on 0191-375 2336.