A MAYOR swapped his chain of office for shorts and shades in a bid to boost funds for his nominated charities.

Councillor Jackie Piggott, Mayor of Sedgefield Borough, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, and toured the borough council offices in Green Lane, Spennymoor, with a bucket to collect money for the Great North Air Ambulance Appeal and the South Cleveland Heart Fund.

The former Glasgow shipyard welder raised £259 and more money is expected from the rest of the staff, who followed his example by attending work in loud shirts and shorts.

Councillor Piggott said: "I wanted to lead by example and join in with the rest of the staff to raise money for my two charities.

"I was delighted that so many people joined in with the day's theme."

He will continue on the fundraising trail with a charity golf tournament at Sedgefield's Knotty Hill Golf Centre, on Thursday, September 8, which will be followed by a presentation dinner at the Hardwick hall Hotel.

Teams of four are invited to take part in the event.

For more information, contact Beryl Anderson on (01388) 816166 ext 4512.