A LAW firm has been given a key role in the ongoing development of the former Consett steelworks site.

Robert Muckle has been appointed to act as legal consultant to Project Genesis, a joint venture between Dysart Developments and Derwentside District Council which is in charge of the redevelopment of the 700-acre site.

The move comes as Dysart Developments, a key partner in Project Genesis, says it is increasing the pace of development on the site of the steelworks, which closed in 1980.

A series of major projects is planned, including a hotel and restaurant, a business innovation centre, further housing developments and a sport and leisure facility.

The appointment of Robert Muckle was made by Morris Muter, who became managing director of Project Genesis last October.

The law firm will play a key role in numerous aspects of the project, including legal services and planning consultancy.

Karen Read, of Robert Muckle, said: "We have been involved with Project Genesis since its inception in 1993, initially providing legal advice for commercial and residential land sales. These include the factory opened by International Cuisine, which is now a major employer in the town, and numerous residential developments by Barratt, Persimmon and Haslam.

"More recently, our planning unit has been instructed to provide planning consultancy services, including the preparation and submission of applications for residential and commercial developments."

Mr Muter said: "A lot of careful planning and consultation goes into everything we do and we have a carefully defined brief to develop the steelworks site, so I need to know that we have the right people on the team.

"When I became involved with Project Genesis last year, it quickly became clear that the people at Robert Muckle have developed a complex understanding of what we are trying to achieve."