ADVICE has been issued to travellers using taxis following an allegation of rape.

Hartlepool Borough Council said the report of a woman being raped by a cabbie in Newcastle last week should serve as a reminder to residents to use bona fide taxis.

Karen O'Connor, the licensing officer, said: "All taxi drivers are vetted and their vehicles regularly inspected.

"Using an unlicensed taxi means there are no such checks and the integrity or intentions of the driver cannot be guaranteed and any vehicle would almost certainly not be correctly insured."

She said unlicensed taxis generally operated around the busiest times on Friday and Saturday nights, when it was easier for drivers to blend in and make the most money.

People needed to ensure they only flagged down taxis with clearly marked licence numbers and that drivers had an ID badge bearing the council's logo, she said.

Customers were also advised to hail taxis from the council's official ranks.

Anyone with information about bogus or unlicensed taxi drivers is asked to contact Hartlepool Council on (01429) 523014 or 523363.