OPERA singer Suzannah Clarke will top the bill at a fundraising concert for the British Red Cross later this year.

The Teesside-born star, who has sung at leading opera houses round the world, has agreed to perform in the show at the Gala Theatre, in Durham.

She will be joined by the Durham Constabulary Band, the Redcar Steelworkers' Male Voice Choir and the choir of the Junior House of Durham High School for Girls in a programme with something to appeal to all tastes.

It features a mix of light classical and popular music, including some well-known numbers from films and stage shows.

The concert will be staged on Sunday, September 11, which has been designated World First Aid Day.

Tickets, costing £7 and £5 for concessions, are now on sale from the Gala box office, which can be contacted on 0191-332 4041.

The concert is one of a number of events being organised through the autumn by the Durham and Teesside branch of the Red Cross.

It will be followed by the Red Cross's fifth annual Country Fair later in September and the Christmas concert, late in November.

Further details about all forthcoming events are available from the branch's office, in Bishop Auckland, on (01388) 458670.

Published: ??/??/2004