A NORTH-EAST couple whose Egyptian hotel room was 100 yards from the terror blasts that killed at least 63 people were back home safe and sound last night.

The couple, from South Shields, South Tyneside, took a mercy flight with other tourists who spoke of seeing dead and injured people lying in the streets of the popular resort of Sharm El Sheik, on the Red Sea.

"It was like a scene from the blitz, it was horrific," said David Mann, who was on holiday with his wife, Pamela.

Seconds after the blast, the couple went to the aid of a British teenager who was screaming in agony.

The 14-year-old had lost her mother, who was later found alive. Her sister is critical in hospital.

Mrs Mann, 48, did not want to leave the frightened girl alone and went to hospital with her.

Mr Mann, 48, a Tyneside draughtsman, said: "The girl was screaming out in pain and kept crying out for her mother and sister.

"We have since found out her sister has been injured pretty badly, but her mother is okay."

Holding a coffee cup, which was shaking in his hand, Mr Mann added: "We just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

"We know of the two casualties and two more that are missing.

"There were also five English lads together. We were talking to one of them and he was saying that his two friends had died. He said the other two friends were missing and he is still waiting for word on them."

A group linked to al Qaida claimed responsibility for the attack.

Last night, thousands of Egyptians marched up and down the main road in front of the blast site, carrying placards that read: "Stop Terrorism" and "Sharm is here to stay, you will go away."

They were joined by British ex pats with links to Egypt, and holidaymakers.

With a number of British tourists feared dead, Embassy staff have been joined by about 15 consular experts from the Foreign Office who are helping with the task of looking into reports of relatives who have not been in touch.

Meanwhile, a seriously injured 16-year-old girl was flown to the UK last night by air ambulance from a hospital in Cairo.

The Foreign Office said a man in his 20s, who remains in hospital in Cairo, was also seriously injured.

One British tourist yesterday left the hospital in Sharm El Sheik, leaving three remaining.

* A bomber was seriously hurt yesterday when an explosive device believed to have been intended for tourist shops near the Pyramids of Giza blew up. There were no other casualties.