What a night. Oasis are in town and more than 10,000 extremely sweaty people are packed into the Arena to see the greatest showband around.

The heat is almost unbearable but it doesn't seem to affect Mr Cool, Liam Gallagher, who keeps his jacket on for the entire performance while people are getting carried out by the medics.

From the first note Oasis do not disappoint. Everything is spot on, the sound is fantastic, loud, driving, tight. They open up with Turn Up The Sun from the new album and it just keeps getting better with every song. Lyla is great, another new anthem for the crowd to sing along to.

I'm glad they stayed on stage longer than the last time I saw them in Newcastle when Noel had an altercation with someone in the crowd that resulted in a split eye for him and a cancelled gig for us.

When they start into Cigarettes and Alcohol the place erupts, the whole floor is bouncing and steam is rising above the crowd. This is what the crowd have turned up for: old classics, old friends. Noel is having a bit of banter with the crowd, inquiring about the popularity of Mr Souness.

Live Forever sets the crowd off singing again before Liam has uttered a word, as does Rock and Roll Star and Champagne Supernova.

They finish the set with a blistering My Generation, played at breakneck speed, thumping through the crowd, absolutely fantastic. If there is a better live night out than Oasis I must be missing something.

Published: 14/07/2005