A NORTH-EAST woman who discovered she was pregnant with triplets shortly after her marriage broke up, was yesterday named Britain's Single Mum of the Year.

Sonya Tutt, 33, who already had two children when she split with her husband, John, was nominated by friends for the competition run by That's Life! magazine.

She said her patience and smiles are the key to her success in coping alone with five children.

"Now the kids are older, it is easier to have a routine, although tea-time is still fairly chaotic," said Mrs Tutt, of Ushaw Moor, near Durham.

When her sons, Calvin, Ashford and Benjamin were born five years ago, she was determined her two daughters, Francesca, then four, and Charlotte, then three, would not suffer from her single-parent status.

Mrs Tutt, who now works as a full-time media monitor, plans every second of her day with military precision to ensure she plays with her children, helps them with homework and keeps on top of the washing, ironing and cleaning.

Receiving her £3,000 award at London's Savoy Hotel, she said: ''My wage helps to pay for a few little extras. It's hard work, but I wouldn't want it any other way.''