DOZENS of quoits players pitted their skills against each other at the weekend in the sport's world championships.

The matches were played on pitches in the appropriate setting of the colliery village at Beamish Open Air Museum, County Durham.

Competition was fierce, with entries received from Northern Counties Leagues in Cleveland, Durham, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear. There were also many representatives from North Yorkshire and southern Scotland.

More than 50 teams competed for the pairs title and about 120 for the singles championship.

The pairs title was won by the Mendleson brothers, Paul and Mike, and the singles by Paul Dixon, all from the Whitby area of North Yorkshire.

The world championships are organised by the National Quoits Association, which was formed in 1986 to further the ancient game. During the past 14 years, many new quoits leagues have been established and the game has gained in popularity throughout the northern counties.