CAMPAIGNING cobbler Tony Martin has laughed off the threat of prosecution over his controversial window display.

Lawyers are considering whether to prosecute Mr Martin for breaching the peace by filling the window of his shop with newspaper cuttings chronicling the problems of Durham City Council.

Police sent a file to the Crown Prosecution Service after council staff complained about the display, which many people stop to read as they walk along Claypath, near the city centre.

Mr Martin vowed to become a thorn in the side of local officialdom after parking restrictions were introduced outside his shop, affecting his trade.

He said: "Worried? I would love to go to court. If I was done for breach of the peace what would happen? I'd be bound over. It is a complete joke and a waste of public money."

Mr Martin, who has launched a website, said: "I've got evidence from a former officer's industrial tribunal claim for racial discrimination by the council that was settled out of court.

"A barrister has offered his services free and he is going to look it over for libel. If he says it's okay to use, I'll put that in my window as retaliation."

The Crown Prosecution Service said a case could be pursued if the display provoked a violent reactionin someone - such as breaking the window.

A council spokesman said the authority had not made the complaint but staff might have spoken to the police.

A Durham Police spokesman said: "We have prepared an advice file which has gone to the CPS. They will decide what, if anything, is done about it. We did interview a number of city council employees when we were preparing the advice file."