AN independent survey is to be carried out to determine support for a controversial multi-million pound regeneration scheme, it has been revealed.

The news has been welcomed by residents opposed to plans by Easington District Council to "breathe new life" into the Parkside Estate, near Seaham.

The area suffered years of neglect, but last spring the council revealed that it had secured Single Regeneration Budget funding and, in a joint venture with developer Beezer Leech, proposed demolishing 210 homes to make way for 240 private affordable dwellings.

According to the authority, a survey it conducted last August and September found two-thirds of residents welcomed the move. But residents have criticised the lack of consultation over the scheme and said the houses would be financially out of their reach.

A council spokesman said that, following a meeting between the authority, residents, Beazer Leech and Goverment department representatives, it had been suggested that an independent survey should be conducted.

The authority has commissioned the Electoral Reform Society to undertake a door-to-door survey of all residents on the Parkside Estate.

Executive director James Gravenor said: "We are confident that this independent survey will confirm what our original consultation exercise found - that the majority of people are in favour of the new homes.

"If the survey does confirm our findings, then we expect the minister to give the go-ahead to the scheme as it stands."

Bill Hume, secretary of the Parkside Residents' Association welcomed the survey as a step in the right direction.