BORED teenagers could soon be meeting in special "youth shelters" in a bid to stop them hanging about on street corners.

Wear Valley District Council is considering providing official meeting places in an effort to stamp out vandalism and give young people somewhere suitable to meet friends.

The idea comes from a recent report by Thames Valley Police and youth workers, which highlights the problem police face in trying to stop youths intimidating the public by congregating on street corners and giving youngsters somewhere dry to socialise.

The report states that every year councils spend vast sums repairing damage to play equipment provided for children, which is often vandalised by youths. Police are often called to move on teenagers congregating near shops, who merely move back once the police have gone.

If Wear Valley council adopts the idea, buildings could be situated in Cockton Hill recreation ground, Bishop Auckland, or town recreation ground, away from play areas and homes.

Gangs meet in these areas and, says the council, thousands of pounds worth of damage has been caused through vandalism, mainly during cold and wet weather, when young people are looking for somewhere to meet and shelter.

Wear Valley district councillors will vote on whether to approve the idea in principle at the leisure committee meeting on Wednesday, at Crook Civic Centre.