VILLAGERS who lost everything in recent flooding in the region are facing more misery from their insurance companies, according to councillors.

In total, 20 families were evacuated from their homes following the flash floods in Skinningrove and they will be unable to return to the village until next month.

Six families decided to stay in their devastated homes and have been given help to be self-sufficient.

Other homes suffered flood damage and 42 repair surveys have been completed out of the 101 properties affected.

But Middlesbrough Borough Council leader David Walsh has expressed fears for insurance claims after visiting homes in the village.

He said: "The issue of how the insurance companies are treating residents frightens me.

"Some people have a very low level of cover, not because they are skinflint but simply because they are poor.

"I really do feel there is an issue of social exclusion in the way insurance companies are treating communities like Skinningrove and I believe this is something we have to take up with organisations like the Association of British Insurers."