COMPLAINTS from residents have prompted councillors to reject a village pub's bid for a public entertainment licence.

The Killinghall Arms, in Middleton St George, near Darlington, applied for a licence to stage live music and entertainment.

But people living near the pub objected to the application on the grounds it would cause noise nuisance.

Members of Darlington Borough Council's licensing committee were this week told that over the years there had been a number of complaints about loud music at the pub.

Recently, an anonymous letter was sent to the council from a villager who claimed there was disturbances at the Killinghall Arms and the nearby Havelock Arms, after previous late-night events.

The letter said: "The extra customers who attend doubtless contribute to an already intolerable situation regarding disturbances late at night, which include taxis turning up and sounding their horns, rowdiness and verbal abuse as people leave the pub."

In his report to the committee, the council's director of development and environment, John Buxton, said: "There does not appear to be additional sound proofing between the different premises other than originally incorporated when the properties were built."

The application for a public entertainment licence was refused by councillors, although the pub has the right to appeal against the decision.