COMMUNITY groups were celebrating a financial windfall yesterday after securing their share of millions of pounds in Lottery funding.

The grants, to organisations in Hambleton, Ryedale and Scarborough, will allow them to move further ahead with ambitious community projects.

Osmotherley play area group was awarded £34,000 by the National Lottery Charities Board.

The cash will be used to refurbish an area and provide new equipment for children with mobility difficulties.

A grant of more than £125,000 was given to the Malton-based Ryedale Council for Voluntary Action to provide a counselling and home visiting service for distressed people in the area.

The grant will fund staff and running costs, as well as publicising the service.

The Home and Dry project in Scarborough was another major beneficiary, being allocated almost £240,000 for a scheme which gives advice and meals to homeless people.

The project helps young people to gain independence by supporting them in a range of areas, including accommodation and job seeking. The grant will fund project workers for the next three years.