SCHOOLS are getting a £116,000 security boost as part of efforts to regenerate a run-down area of Sunderland.

Nine schools in the Pennywell area of the city are getting anti-crime measures such as security fencing, CCTV cameras and access control systems.

Funding has come from the third round of the Single Regeneration Budget and Sunderland City Council.

The money will be spent at Pennywell Nursery, St Anne's Primary, Grindon Infants, Broadway Junior, Pallion Primary, Pennywell Comprehensive, Havelock Primary, Quarry View Infant and Junior and South Hylton Primary schools.

As part of the programme, schools with CCTV cameras have been linked to the council's alarm and emergency centre and will be monitored 24 hours a day.

Area regeneration coordinator Andrew Seekings said: "Much attention has been focused recently on school security and vandalism attacks on schools.

"Schools in this area are very much part of the community and are frequently used by residents after school hours.

"If we can increase their use simply by taking measures to give residents increased peace of mind then it's worth it."