AN experimental Darlington side slumped to a 2-0 defeat at Billingham Town.

Quakers fielded five triallists, including Carshalton Athletic winger Eddie Duah, ex-Middlesbrough midfielder Steve Walklate, Nottingham Forest midfielder Richard Hodgson and former Ipswich defender John Kennedy, while the rest of the side were made up of youngsters.

Hodgson and Kennedy were the pick of the triallists.

Sunderland-born Hodgson spent three years at the City Ground without making a first-team appearance, and played a few games for Darlington's reserves towards the end of last season, while Kennedy has played eight times for Premiership new boys Ipswich.

"I've been here all week so far", said Kennedy. "I've just come for a month to see how I do. I played a few games for Ipswich the season before last; I've played for them since I was about 14."

Darlington had the better of the chances in a scrappy affair at Bedford Terrace. Young forward Gary Williamson, who has been offered a professional contract for the forthcoming season, was twice denied by Billingham goalkeeper Darren Collier in the opening stages, and Craig Skelton missed two good opportunities.

Billingham took the lead after 35 minutes when Darlington keeper Keith Finch hesitated over a deep corner.

Billingham defender Tony Higgins headed it goalwards, and despite a Darlington defender's attempt to clear it off the line, it appeared to have crossed, although Paul Rowntree followed up to make sure.

And the Northern League side went further ahead just before half time. Midfielder Rowntree made space for himself with a neat turn, before curling a fine shot into the top left hand corner of the Darlington goal.

Quakers rang the changes in the second half, but despite some nice touches from youngster James Huntly, they rarely tested Collier.

l DARLINGTON players last week walked out of a heated meeting with chairman George Reynolds - after being told to take a 70 per cent pay cut in bonuses next season.

Players were furious when Reynolds threatened to walk out on the club and withold the players' wages for nine months unless they took a pay cut.

One player said: "Reynolds was really intimidating us and picking on us individually in an attempt to get us to crack. The things he was saying were insulting and he was out of order."

l DARLINGTON'S new home shirts have gone on sale in the club shop, priced at £30 for adults and £24 for children's sizes.

l SCOTTISH First Division side Greenock Morton, who are owned by former Darlington Chief Executive Mike Peden, are chasing young forward Michael Carter, who was released by the club in the summer. They are also chasing out-of-contract Glenn Naylor after they failed to land Michael Oliver, who opted for Rochdale, and have signed Angolan winger Jose Quitongo, who made one appearance for the Quakers in 1995.