DURHAM Caledonian Society is celebrating 50 years of promoting north-of-the-border culture.

The society, which was founded by Scottish exile James McLeish, is holding an anniversary dinner dance on Thursday in Durham University's Grey College.

The society is hoping that Durham Mayor, George Wharton, will attend to give the toast.

Spokesman John Goodall said: "James McLeish, who is in his eighties, instigated the society which was founded on Thursday, July 20, 1950.

"We thought it was only right that we have him as our president in our anniversary year.

"The society was formed for the furtherance of Scottish culture. In the past, only people born in Scotland could be members but in the past five or six years we have opened it up.

"Membership has grown over the years and we now have about 160 members."

The society holds traditional events such as a St Andrew's Day dinner and dance and a Burns Night supper.

It also runs Scottish dancing classes and has regular talks - not all on Scottish themes.

Anyone wanting more information about the society can contact Mr Goodall on (01207) 520296.