NOVICE angler Natalie Redden has put more experienced enthusiasts in the shade with her humble fishing rod which cost less than £10.

For the seven-year-old schoolgirl has landed a catch on all three visits accompanying her grandad, Colin Parnaby, to Grassholme Reservoir, in upper Teesdale.

While other anglers, with the latest equipment, looked on in amazement having failed to get a bite, Natalie, from Bowburn, near Durham, has been pulling out the rainbow trout with ease.

She hooked three on her first fishing trip, and in subsequent visits to the reservoir landed trout of 5lb and 5.5lbs.

Her grandma, Lorraine Parnaby, who witnessed Natalie's successes, said she is becoming a dab hand, fishing with Colin from the bankside.

"We just got her a tiny plastic thing so she could go up with her grandad and fish with him.

"The first time she caught one she was really excited and in tears. She can barely pull them in, so her grandad has to help.

"She has no qualms now about clunking them on the head when she pulls them out.

"There are quite a few fishermen who go up there with hundreds of pounds worth of equipment and get nothing like what she has caught.

"Her grandad couldn't believe it at first and the water bailiff up there was very impressed and said he would mention it in his fishing report.

"Five-and-a-half pounders are just an every day thing now."

Lorraine said Natalie is so keen, she gets up at 4am for the fishing trips.

And there is a bigger rod awaiting her if she retains her enthusiasm.