A WOMAN fractured a teenage girl's skull by banging her head against the side of a car, a court heard.

Gillian Boyle, 25, attacked 16-year-old Paula Deeham after she accused her of still being a heroin junkie, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Boyle tried to frighten Miss Deeham from giving evidence against her despite a bail condition to keep away, said prosecutor Geoffrey Hunter.

Boyle, of Brierton Road, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm on January 20, and three counts of witness intimidation.

On one occasion she told Miss Deehan: "I'll smash your face in if you go to court."

Paul Newcombe, defending, said that Boyle snapped at being called a heroin addict after she had been off the drug for some time.

He said: "Regrettably, she changed drugs for drink and was heavily under the influence of vodka when these offences occurred."

Judge Leslie Spittle jailed Boyle for 12 months after telling her: "You clearly lost all control when you attacked your victim and then you persistently tried to intimidate her with threats of violence while on bail.