Sir, - Thank you for a good and fair report (D&S Aug 18) concerning the public inquiry into the Richmondshire District Plan.

The District Plan runs out in 2001 and the council has to make any proposals for alterations before then. In addition, they have effectively extended the plan to the year 2006 but not allowed the public to comment on anything but the alterations. This is shameful. Councillors have the right to allow discretion in the interests of democracy and fair play but have withheld it. As a result 42 objections affecting several hundred residents will not be heard. I feel for the objectors to the Croft entertainment machine who have been appallingly brushed aside.

Richmondshire District Council seems to believe it is the modern equivalent of the Lord of the Manor. Councillors and staff should remember that they are, instead our "obedient servants" and it is time that that phrase was re-introduced into local government correspondence to remind everyone who is boss.

With reference to the last paragraphs of your report, I wish to point out I have never lost a court action against Richmondshire District Council, although I once discontinued an action because the High Court costs would have been prohibitive.

I hope the quality of our councillors improves and that the electorate as a whole will become more critical. That would put me out of business, but without any regrets on my part.




Sir, - Your editorial comments at the end of the report (D&S Aug 18) on the Richmondshire District Plan pre-inquiry meeting require a response.

Mr Borman is a staunch supporter of the democratic rights of the people in the area. On the above occasion he was attending as a member of the Brentwood Area Residents' Association and was speaking as a representative of that association.

The association was formed because the majority of Brentwood residents were not satisfied with the policy pursued in the area by Richmondshire District Council, a policy which has created traffic problems and could ultimately devalue properties, compromise safety and be generally detrimental to the environment.

It is our contention that the findings of the 1997 public inquiry regarding Brentwood, which have been incorporated into the District Plan, have not been honoured.


Chairman, Brentwood Area

Residents' Association



Heritage blindness

Sir, - I refer to your report about Well House (D&S Aug 18).

English Heritage contend that rendering should be applied, to return the exterior more nearly to its state of two centuries ago.

Much of the charm of an old building is to walk round the outside, observe changes in style or materials and ask oneself 'what? and 'why?'. Rendering wipes that out.

English Heritage's concentration on the minutiae of planning law has clearly blinded them to the splendour of the whole. Local people, thankfully, have shown more sense than that


Wellington Mews,
