HORSES may soon be returning to the streets of Darlington if a group of local businessmen have their way.

The Darlington Independent Taxi Traders Organisation (Ditto) wants to give the town an extra tourist attraction by introducing up to three horse- drawn vehicles as Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles.

The application has given licensing officers a dilemma, because the last horse-drawn carriage to be given a licence plate was in 1904.

Darlington Borough Council's cabinet will be told next week that a number of issues would have to be addressed before the service could be introduced.

They include ensuring the welfare of the horses, making sure drivers are properly trained and providing special stands for the vehicles.

The traders have proposed creating stands at Feethams, the Horsemarket, High Northgate and Borough Road, near to Darlington Civic Theatre.

But the council is unhappy about siting stands at all four locations, mainly because of the amount of traffic already there.

It believes a section of road in Houndgate immediately next to the fountain would be the best option, even though Ditto says this would not be commercially viable, because it is in a quiet back street.

Because the carriages would not have a meter, it is proposed to base the fare charged on the duration of a journey.

This would result in people being charged £10 for the first 15 minutes and then £5 for each subsequent 15 minutes.

The council cabinet is being recommended to support the development of a horse-drawn service in principle.

Councillors are being recommended to ask officers to enter into further discussions with the applicants on the possible location and methods of funding.

In his report to the cabinet, the council's director of development and environment, John Buxton, says: "The introduction of a horse-drawn carriage service would be welcome in principle as an additional facility for visitors to Darlington.