A CLUB which offers out-of- school hours fun for youngsters, is arranging a trip to Chester Zoo.

Ferryhill Kids' Club has decided to use money it received from a National Lottery Millennium award to fund the trip for the 40 children and helpers who regularly attend the club.

The rest of the cash will be used to buy a photocopier to help increase club activities.

A regular newsletter for all primary schoolchildren in Ferryhill is also planned.

Reduced rate photocopying will be offered to the various community groups which share Dean Bank Institute with the kids' club. Other local voluntary groups will also be welcome to use the service.

Ferryhill Kids Club, which has been in operation for about two years, runs a successful breakfast club, an after-school club, and a school holiday club for infant and junior school children from Ferryhill and the surrounding villages.

A day care nursery for children aged two-and-a-half years and over is also being planned for the New Year.

Further information on all kids' club services can be obtained by contacting (01740) 650220