CHILDREN and their parents this week flocked to the official opening of a new super park.

The new Annfield Plain park, refurbished at a cost of £60,000, boasts slides and rides, a teenage hang-out area and basketball park.

The refurbishment is part of a Derwentside District Council policy to have fewer, bigger parks that can be more effectively maintained.

As well as the new rides, youngsters had the chance to enjoy a bouncy castle and other games as part of the celebrations.

The park will be one of four showpiece parks in the area, with others at Allensford, Blackhill and Stanley.

There was a storm of protest earlier this year when the council revealed that some smaller parks are to be closed, partly as a result of vandalism.

Leader of the council Alex Watson acknowledged the protests, but stressed the excellence of the new park. He said: "There are great facilities there and it certainly seemed to be operating successfully. We have to be able to maintain parks in a way that is satisfactory."