A TEENAGER had a big surprise when she discovered her face was being used to advertise the MetroCentre.

Caroline Cook, 17, a student at Stagecoach Theatre Arts in Yarm, Teesside, took part in some advertising filming for the centre several months ago, along with other Stagecoach students from the region.

While there, she was singled out to be photographed with professional models as part of the advertising project.

She heard no more about it until reports came back to her from friends that they had seen her face on billboards, posters and leaflets in the Newcastle and Sunderland area, advertising the Gateshead centre.

Caroline, from Hartlepool, said: "I couldn't believe it when I was told, but now I am excited.

"I was curious to see for myself what they looked like, so I went up to the MetroCentre with my parents to see the boards, and it was like looking at a stranger.

"All I could think of was I do not know that person. It was very strange, but exciting."

Trudy Hindmarsh, the principal of the Stagecoach school that Caroline attends, said: "Caroline is one of our most senior and accomplished students. She has a sunny personality and has a lovely attitude in everything she does. I am so pleased for her.