A BAD-tempered pony knocked down and bit a three-year-old girl as she stroked it.

Lucy Allan had a lucky escape after the animal, which had earlier been used to give children rides, knocked her to the ground.

As she gently stroked the animal, it suddenly pushed her and bit her on the head.

Her dad, Stuart, and nine-year-old brother, Thomas, watched in horror as Lucy's mother, Susan, rushed to drag the youngster out of the way.

The family, from Wallsend, North Tyneside, were visiting Saltwell Park, in Gateshead, when the incident happened.

He said: "The pony was tied up with a long rope and was grazing in a field.

"Two boys were stroking the pony but as soon as Lucy got there it butted her, rolled her over and then took the side of her head into its mouth.

"My wife ran over and dragged Lucy away from the horse. Lucy was hysterical."

Lucy's face was bruised, but the skin was not broken.

Ian McGowan, assistant director of leisure services for Gateshead Borough Council, said: "We have spoken to the girl's father and assured him we will investigate the matter as quickly as possible."