BOSSES at The Friarage Hospital have arranged to meet victims of surgeon Richard Neale to discuss setting up a help-line.

Leaders of the 200-strong Action and Support Group for Medical Victims of Richard Neale have been pressing for the Northallerton hospital to provide an independent counselling service to former patients.

Mr Neale, who practised at The Friarage between 1985 and 1995, was struck off the medical register more than a month ago after the General Medical Council's (GMC) disciplinary committee found him guilty of serious professional misconduct.

Last week, the group highlighted continuing concerns about the surgeon's private life by calling for any of Mr Neale's former patients who had concerns to be offered HIV tests.

Mr Neale was cautioned by the police in 1991 after he was arrested in a public lavatory in Richmond, along with two men who were engaged in an intimate act.

The GMC hearing was told that he sometimes carried out procedures without wearing rubber gloves.

News of the meeting is unlikely to deter many of the former gynaecologist's patients lobbying the annual general meeting of the Northallerton health trust on Monday.

Chief executive Tony Bruce, said the meeting will take place on Monday, September 18.

He said the "very small" group of women to have contacted The Friarage with worries about HIV last week are being put in touch with a specialist nurse.

HIV tests were available on the NHS if necessary, he added.

Graham Maloney, for the patient group, said: "I suppose it is an encouraging sign but it has taken a long time for the trust to act. This should be have discussed years ago."