DEFIANT Hartlepool United boss Chris Turner insists midfielder Tommy Miller will prove the doubters wrong -- and hit the heights reached last season.

Follwing last season's successes, Miller has endured a subdued start to the current campaign and with Wigan reported to be stepping up their interest in the Shotton-born ace, the midfielder has yet to win over the fans this time around.

But he netted his second goal of the season in the midweek Worthington Cup win over Burnley and Turner, who takes his Pool side to Blackpool this afternoon, said: "I've heard the criticism from the fans.

"There's people who are saying that Tommy Miller is not trying or Tommy Miller is not committed to this club because he is being watched by other teams.

"He loves playing for this club and never gives anything less than 100 per cent - and more.

"Because of what he did last season he is a marked man. Managers look out for him and change their game plan to look after him.

"And to be fair to Tommy he has been asked to play a different role. At Exeter he played deeper to man mark Alex Inglethorpe who was running off the midfield - just because he is not scoring freely yet doesn't mean he is not the same player of last season.

"All I can do is answer to the doubters is tell them that Tommy is working as hard as last season both in games and in training.''

Miller is being coveted by Wigan while Barnsley have also been keeping tabs on the 21-year-old, but Turner admitted: "Of course clubs are watching him, but who is to say they are not looking at other players here as well?

"I know Lee Fitzpatrick caught the eye of a certain club at Burnley a couple of weeks ago and Chris Westwood has not gone unnoticed.

"But we don't want to sell our best players - we are trying to build a successful team here.''

Tuesday's impressive cup win over Burnley might not have been enough to keep Pool in the competition after a 4-1 first-leg reverse, but it proved to Turner the way forward for his side.

After tinkering his with preferred 3-5-2 formation he admitted: "We know the way we will play. We did it against Burnley and that means getting the ball forward earlier.

"Craig Midgley played off the front two in two games and it worked in one, but didn't last week. We had success last season playing the same way and we have been working on that system this week.''

Welsh under-21 goalkeeper Anthony Williams will make his League debut this afternoon. He replaced Martin Hollund in midweek and gets his chance as the Norwegian is out with a pelvic problem.

"Martin started the season as number one and has been playing very well, but I know Anthony is a very good goalkeeper. It's unfortunate that Martin has to drop out because of injury, but we don't want to be in a situation where he is out for six months and this will make sure that is not the case.

"But I have every confidence in Anthony - that's why I brought him here, to keep Martin on his toes.''

Turner is up against Steve McMahon, a top-flight rival during his days at Manchester United and Sunderland the Pool boss admitted: "He was a mainstay of the Liverpool side and always a fierce competitor.

"I played against him a few times, but I don't think he scored against me as a player - I can remember Graeme Souness cracking one past me at Anfield, but not him.'