A North-East MP last night distanced himself from the fight of the local greengrocer who is refusing to sell goods in metric measures.

In a landmark case, Steven Thoburn is being taken to court by Sunderland City Council because he sells fruit and vegetables at his Southwick market stall in pounds and ounces.

Mr Thoburn, who faces a fine of several thousand pounds if the prosecution succeeds, has said he is prepared to test the law on a matter that is "very important for my business and the country as a whole".

He has collected 5,000 signatures in support of his battle.

But Sunderland North MP Bill Etherington said last night he had little sympathy.

''I have always believed in the rule of law. If people do not like laws, it's up to them to lobby to get them changed.

''If trading standards officers think this man is guilty of an offence, it's up to them to prosecute him with it."

The MP also cast doubt on the idea Mr Thoburn was waging a campaign on behalf of other people. "I don't think this is anything about what his customers want. It's about what he wants. He is trying to prove a point," said Mr Etherington.