A Darlington estate could forfeit its chance to clamp down on crime through CCTV cameras if it blocks a revamp of its shopping centre.

The warning was issued at Darlington planning applications committee to Mowden residents. Families' concerns matched those of Middleton St George villagers over the impact of three-storey flats.

The scheme by Cecil Yuill and the Mowden Park Estate company was given the go-ahead. It involves the demolition of three shops at the northern end of the parade and the refurbishment of the remainder. Alongside that will be the construction of 32 two- and three-storey flats with car parking.

Couns Ron Lewis and Bill Stenson said all the residents accepted the refurbishment was necessary but they were worried about the overbearing aspect of the three-storey flats.

"They are not against the introduction of CCTV there. Only last Friday we had trouble with 30 to 40 youths fighting. It would stop a lot of the problems."

But council leader Coun John Williams warned: "It is the developer who will pay for the CCTV, not us. If we don't grant permission today my fear is that the area will continue to deteriorate. Local residents will continue to be plagued by unsocial behaviour and petty crime."

Coun Philip Stamford Bewlay was applauded by residents when he suggested: "We could say go ahead, but we want only two-storey flats because there is no three-storey building whatever on this estate."

However the legal department said that would be a major departure from the scheme as it stood.

Committee chairman Coun Frank Robson said: "One minute we are saying three-storey flats are not appropriate in villages but they are in towns. Now we are saying they are not appropriate in the town. That sort of thinking does pose a dilemma for developers."

l Villagers' dismay: page 10