A VANDAL-hit riding centre for the disabled is having to plough show proceeds into trying to ward off damage.

Louts are persistently wrecking fencing at a new field acquired by the Unicorn centre at Hemlington. As soon as fencing is repaired, it is destroyed again.

As a result, the field cannot be used for grazing ponies for fear they will escape on to a nearby busy road. Centre manager, Miss Claire Jones, said: "We are now preparing for our autumn show, but all funds raised from the event will be used to make further repairs to the fencing.

"We are throwing money away. It cost us £2,500 to put the fence up in the first place. It is just wasting funds having to repair it. This is a big part of our budget and it is devastating for the centre. Even if we re-inforce the fence we are afraid the vandals will still find a way through."

She believes the fence is being broken down to get scramble bikes through and she has seen vehicle tracks on the field.

It means the centre can no longer take the chance of grazing horses there and it is only used for riding at the moment. Her one hope is that once winter sets in the situation will change.

The show, on Sunday, September 24, is open to everyone and will feature show-jumping and dressage classes in the indoor arena. Jumps will be small and easy to encourage young and inexperienced riders.

Miss Jones said: "We hope to attract large numbers of entries. Hopefully, by having smaller jumping courses we will encourage youngsters and people with novice ponies who want to gain experience and have some fun as well. By holding the event in the indoor arena, we won't be affected by unpredictable weather."