leaflets criticising asylum seekers that were sent to homes in the summer have reappeared.

Workers at the North of England Refugee Service, based in Middlesbrough, were dismayed when the British National Party began distributing the leaflets in Stockton.

They chose a particular street, where it was widely known that asylum seekers were due to move, for their propaganda.

Now, in the latest move by the group, another refugee area has been targeted.

In a bid to limit its effect, the refugee service distributed its own information throughout Parliament Street, in Middlesbrough, last night.

Pete Widlinski, a team leader at the service, based on Middlesbrough's Borough Road, said the leaflets are highly dangerous.

"They are cleverly worded and they are deliberately trying to give the false impression that asylum seekers are the root of all society's ills," he said.

"We have seen stickers put up in the area over the past couple of years, but the leaflets are blaming asylum seekers for things like hospital waiting lists and high unemployment.

"We are not going to rest until we have stamped the problem out."

The leaflets' reappearance follows the BNP's hard-hitting campaign in Stockton, in which members marched up and down a street to reinforce their point.

Mr Widlinski said it provoked fear among residents.

"Some people were afraid to take leaflets from us in case of retribution," he said.

l The North of England Refugee Service is organising a coach trip to a pro-asylum seekers' rally in Newcastle on September 30. To book a place, ring (01642) 211117.

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